Czech Virus Testo Virus Part 1, 280 g – Citron Lemonade


The Testo Virus Part 1 product offers an original combination of ingredients to optimize testosterone. It contributes to normal fertility and reproduction and to the maintenance of normal testosterone levels in the blood. Our product combines an extreme amount of D-aspartic acid with zinc in the form of bisglycinate (chelate), boron and vitamin D3 (so-called prohormone).

Original price was: 9 849 Ft.Current price is: 8 200 Ft.

Vásárolja meg ezt a terméket, és kap 21 pont - értékben 655 Ft

Czech Virus Testo Virus Part 1

Czech Virus Testo Virus Part 1 offers an original combination of ingredients to optimize testosterone. It contributes to normal fertility and reproduction and to the maintenance of normal testosterone levels in the blood. D3 (so-called prohormone). testosterone should be one of the priorities for those bodybuilders, because an abundance of actions in our body depend on it.

Unfortunately, it is clear from many researches that men today have lower testosterone levels compared to men a few decades ago. Reduced testosterone is due to our time, we are more obese, we are more stressed from the busy time and last but not least we are getting more chemical things (such as BPA or Triclosan) either through food or other means.


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